Mission: App development
Destination: Potsdam 2024 |

Do you have an idea for an app and are looking for a partner to implement it in Potsdam?

During app development, you have to face various challenges. Without a smart plan, it's easy to get sidetracked and lose time and budget.

We accompany you through your development journey and guide your app safely to its goal together with you and the right strategy!

App Entwicklung Potsdam


Get your pesonal contact person and benefit from a transparent project development to be always up to date and involved.


We research the best technologies for each project individually and develop our apps agile, efficient and future oriented.


Because software development is not only our profession but also our passion. We enjoy to realize the requirements of our customers

Modern apps for Potsdam

Modern apps for Potsdam

As a digital app agency, we support Potsdam companies in realizing their app ideas. We accompany you from the development of the idea, through the challenges and dangers of development, to the marketing and release of the finished app.

We understand that developing your own app can be overwhelming at the beginning and that's why we offer you a personal contact right from the start.

Our mission is to make innovative apps a reality and maybe your idea will soon be one of them.

App Development Journey
App Development Strategy

01 Strategy

Many app projects fail due to poor planning and unnecessary functions. If the requirements change, the app agency cannot react quickly and the budget is consumed before the first measurable results are achieved.

With the Lean Prototype Method, we help you minimize this risk. In the first phase, we work together and personally to develop the main requirements and core components for your app and define clear and measurable goals.

You will then receive an understandable development plan and a clear concept of your app. This means you are closely involved right from the start and have an overview of the status of development.

App Development Implementation

02 Implementation

The layout can now be created based on the requirements of your app. Our focus is on a high level of user-friendliness and the goals of the concept. During the design, we always keep you up to date and you can give your feedback on every step.

During programming, the core components are first implemented in an initial app prototype. With this, you will have the first version of your app in your hands after just a few weeks and can quickly start validating and using the functions.

The app prototype is then expanded with all outstanding functions and developed step by step into the finished app. Since you test and use each function promptly, errors in communication or implementation can be identified early and ultimately avoided.

App Development Release

03 Release

When it comes to app development, Flutter is our most advanced framework of choice. It enables us to present your first prototype quickly and cost-effectively, avoiding costly misjudgments.

Flutter is able to develop simultaneously for Android, iOS and web, saving time and money. With its high performance and low storage costs, Flutter offers a seamless user experience and stunning animations.

Continuous updates from Flutter keep your app up to date with the latest technology and easily keep up with all technical trends.

Our Technologies

Flutter Logo
Dart Logo
Supabase Logo
Firebase Logo
Who are we?

Who are we?

M-to-B Software was founded in 2020 by Michel Busse while he was studying, with the aim of trying new ideas together and developing useful software.

The journey started with developing websites for various small and large companies. With increasing experience and upon demand from our customers, we are increasingly implementing personalized ERP software and even innovative AR apps.

After all, we have found our passion in app development and are always happy to help our customers make their apps a reality. Our insider tip for successful development is a close relationship with our customers. We want to understand your goals and put our heart and soul behind their development.

Cross Platform Apps

Target all customers with one app

Non-Binding Offer and Fixed Price

Non-Binding Offer and Fixed Price

Receive a non-binding offer for your app idea with a fixed price for app development. This way you can see the development costs exactly and avoid unnecessary risks.

After you have contacted us, we will discuss your idea with you and plan the rough procedure. We will then estimate the effort required for development and provide you with a non-binding offer for your app.


A selection of our projects:

Special Solutions GmbH
Universität Leipzig
ZLS Leipzig
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
UPMC Pittsburgh
K&S GmbH
Special Solutions GmbH
Universität Leipzig
ZLS Leipzig
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
UPMC Pittsburgh
K&S GmbH


Interested? Get free advice on all possibilities for your project and receive a non-binding offer!


0160 98709043

Potsdam (digital)

We work across multiple industries including healthcare, e-commerce, education, entertainment and more. Our goal is to develop tailor-made solutions for every customer. When we understand the vision behind the app, we don't exclude any industry.
The duration of app development depends on your individual requirements. We want to make sure your app is perfect and will work as quickly as possible to make your vision a reality. To give you as early an ROI as possible, you can use and test your first app prototype after just a few weeks. All other functions are then based on this prototype and are therefore always in your hands promptly.
Don't worry, we won't let you down even after the release! We offer comprehensive maintenance and support for your app after its release. If you have any problems or updates, we are always there for you.
The result of the development is your app and you can then do whatever you want with it. We would be happy to continue to support you after the release, but of course this is not mandatory. You can also continue to manage your app and the source code completely independently.

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