
Mobile Event App |

Clubz is your network for party planning and club research Find events and clubs in your area, discover your friends' parties and share your events.







Mobile App Example


Find events in your area

With Clubz you can filter events by location and date, so you can always see where the next party is taking place. Get all important information such as tickets and dress code at a glance and compare different events to find the best one.

See your friends' plans

You can see what events your friends are attending and make plans with them. Discover who you can meet at which party and where your friends are going next.

Mobile App Example


All important information at a glance

Receive all information about each event, such as time, place, description, tickets, dress code and much more. Stay up to date and choose the best party for you.

Organize your parties

Create events yourself and share them with your guests. Give them all information at a glance and see who suits your event. You can also share your parties outside of the Clubz app and reach anyone you want.


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0160 98709043

Leipzig (digital)

We work across multiple industries including healthcare, e-commerce, education, entertainment and more. Our goal is to develop tailor-made solutions for every customer. When we understand the vision behind the app, we don't exclude any industry.
The duration of app development depends on your individual requirements. We want to make sure your app is perfect and will work as quickly as possible to make your vision a reality. To give you as early an ROI as possible, you can use and test your first app prototype after just a few weeks. All other functions are then based on this prototype and are therefore always in your hands promptly.
Don't worry, we won't let you down even after the release! We offer comprehensive maintenance and support for your app after its release. If you have any problems or updates, we are always there for you.
The result of the development is your app and you can then do whatever you want with it. We would be happy to continue to support you after the release, but of course this is not mandatory. You can also continue to manage your app and the source code completely independently.

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